Research (publication):
- Interest Areas
- Computer Security and Privacy
- Software Engineering
- Funded Projects
- CyberCorps SFS Renewal - A Transdisciplinary Approach to Cybersecurity Education: NSF, PI, 2020-2025
- EPSCoR: The New Mexico SMART Grid Center: Sustainable, Modular, Adaptive, Resilent, and Transactive: NSF, NMT co-PI, 2018-2023
- S-STEM: Preparing Students for Careers in Computing and Cybersecurity: NSF, co-PI (NMT PI), 2018-2023
- REU Site - Emerging Issues in Cybersecurity: NSF, co-PI, 2018-2022
- GenCyber: NSA and NSF, PI, 2015
- CyberCorps Cadre: NSF, co-PI, 2014-21
- Security Analysis of Web Applications Vulnerability Scanners: CAaNES, PI, 2011-12
- Secure Data Services in Cloud Computing: Los Alamos Lab, 2010
- Trustworthy Computing: User-controlled Persona in Virtual Community: NSF, PI, 2009-13
- ENSL:Experimental Network of Sensors Lab for Advancing Research: NSF, co-PI, 2007-11
- ARIEL: An Advanced Security Policy Engineering Framework for Protecting Distributed and Critical Systems: Sandia Labs, PI, 2007-8
- Secure Infrastructure Management Systems: Sandia Labs, PI, 2007
- DoD Information Assurance Scholarship Program: Capacity Building: DoD, co-PI, 2005-7
- Building a Secure State-of-the-Art Embedded Real-Time Systems Laboratory at NMT: Intel, co-PI, 2005-6